Student Discipline Policy


At Pasadena Elementary, we believe that children learn best and flourish socially when they are in a safe and caring, inclusive learning environment that encourages respect, acceptance, and academic excellence. To foster this environment, we have developed a code of conduct in conjunction with our School Motto:

Respect Learning – Learning Respect ”.

We also believe that behaviour expectations should be clearly taught, modelled and understood, and that we are each responsible for our own words and actions. To help each student clearly understand the behaviour expectations of our Code of Conduct, we have developed a Behaviour Expectations Matrix and the slogan, “Soar Like an Eagle. At Pasadena Elementary, students “Soar Like an Eagle” when they demonstrate

Respect for Themselves

Respect for Others

Respect for Learning

Respect for the Environment.

Behaviour Expectations

The behaviour expectations of our Code of Conduct include

    • Obeying federal, provincial and municipal laws

    • Always behaving with honesty and integrity

    • Respecting the rights of others and treating one another with dignity and respect at all times, regardless of economic status, race, colour, national or ethnic origin, language group, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or ability

    • Respecting and taking proper care of school property

    • Respecting the personal property of others and their right to privacy

    • Demonstrating kindness to others and trying to help those in need

    • Demonstrating your best effort in all school-based activities.

These behaviour expectations apply to all members of the school community, including students, parents and guardians, school staff, volunteers and visitors when on school property and travelling on a school bus, or when participating in any off-site school-sponsored activities.

Examples of expected behaviours are outlined in our Behaviour Expectations Matrix (see Appendix A).

Discipline Guidelines

Our best defense against inappropriate behaviour is prevention. By providing students with clear expectations and consistent consequences, many problems can be avoided. At the beginning of the school year, students need to be taught and then, on an ongoing basis throughout the year, reminded of appropriate behaviours.

Despite our best efforts, there will be students who, for various reasons, will not comply. We believe the purpose of any disciplinary procedure is to help students learn respectful and kind behaviour to help them develop into responsible citizens. We need to ensure we respond to inappropriate behaviours in a safe and caring manner. This includes being fair, reasonable and consistent with our responses and/or consequences, keeping in mind that “fair” is not always “equal”, and respecting the uniqueness of each student, incident, and set of circumstances.

Inappropriate behaviours can be divided into 2 categories: minor and major. Some examples of these behaviours include

Minor Behaviours

  • Abuse of privileges (e.g. washroom, fountain, etc.)

  • Bringing a prohibited item to school (e.g. toys, electronic devices, etc.)

  • Cheating or lying

  • Defacing/misusing school property

  • Disrespectful attitude

  • Disrespecting other’s personal property/space

  • Disruptive class behaviour

  • Inappropriate clothing

  • Inappropriate language

  • Inappropriate use of technology

  • Lateness

  • Non-compliance

  • Roughhousing

  • Teasing and/or derogatory remarks

  • Unprepared for class

Major Behaviours

  • Bringing dangerous items to school

  • Bullying

  • Dangerous behaviour

  • Defiance

  • Deliberate abuse of technology privileges (e.g. intentionally spreading viruses, hacking, accessing inappropriate internet sites, creating, posting or storing inappropriate/offensive/harassing material, etc.)

  • Directed abusive language

  • Fighting

  • Leaving school property without permission

  • Theft

  • Threatening/Abusive behaviour

  • Vandalism

Minor behaviours are to be addressed by teachers. If the minor behaviour becomes chronic (i.e. repeated, regular, and/or frequent), the student will be referred to the school administrators by the homeroom teacher or subject teacher. When the administrators receive a referral for chronic minor behaviours they will follow the same protocol as they would for major behaviours.

Major behaviours are to be referred immediately to the school administrators.

Discipline Protocols

Teacher Response Protocol

Minor behaviours are to be addressed by the attending teacher. The teacher should

    • Communicate to the student what was observed or reported

    • Remind student of expected behaviour and why the expectation exists (re-teaching)

    • If applicable, help student identify possible replacement behaviour(s)

    • Give a warning or consequence as necessary (e.g. apology, loss of dojo points, time out, detention, etc.)

    • Complete a “Behaviour Report” form (see Appendix B) and provide it to the homeroom teacher.

    • Homeroom teacher may notify parent/guardian (phone call/agenda) if deemed warranted

If minor behavior becomes chronic

    • Homeroom teacher must make contact with parent/guardian via a meeting, phone call, or note/agenda with parent signature (to acknowledge they are aware of issue) to ensure they are informed and given the opportunity to assist with the issue

    • If the behaviour still persists, student will be referred to the school administration by the teacher using a “Discipline Referral” form (see Appendix B)

Major behaviors will result in an immediate referral to the school administration. The referral should be accompanied with a “Discipline Referral” form. If the form cannot be completed at that moment, it must be done by the end of the day. However, whoever brings the student to the office needs to be able to outline the issue (e.g. what was seen, who was involved, etc.).

If a misbehaviour/incident on the school bus is reported to a teacher by a student, the teacher should ensure the student brings the issue to the school administration.

Administrator Response Protocol

When students are referred to the office for chronic minor behaviours or major behaviours, the school administration will

    • Document the incident on the school database

    • Talk with student about expected appropriate behavior and issue appropriate consequences (e.g. detention, restitution, loss of privilege, in-school or out-of-school suspension, parent meeting, referral to the Guidance Counselor, the development of a Behaviour Management plan, etc.)

    • Provide written contact to parents/guardians using a “Discipline Report” form which is to be signed by parent/guardian and returned to office

    • Referrals re: bus behaviour will be dealt with following the Discipline Protocol outlined in the School Bus Policy (see Appendix C)

Bullying Intervention Protocol

      • If a teacher or administrator knows/suspects a student is being bullied or has been the victim of bullying, the “Bullying Intervention Protocol” must be followed (see Appendix D).

Code of Conduct

Appendix A

Behaviour Expectations Matrix

PASADENA ELEMENTARYBehaviour Expectations Matrix

You “Soar like an Eagle” when you . . .







Respect yourEnvironment


J be prepared to give your best effort

J be positive with yourself

J dress & act appropriately

J use inside voice

J use good manners & appropriate language

J keep your hands & feet to yourself

J be considerate

J only use other people’s belongings with permission

J be a good listener

J come to class prepared

J work hard

J be considerate of other people’s contributions and opinions

J place garbage & recyclables in appropriate containers

J help out, pick up & put away even if it’s not yours

J keep your locker & desk area tidy

J use furniture & equipment appropriately

Entry and Hallway

J keep to the right

J act appropriately

J use inside voice

J keep to the right and

walk in single file

J look at but don’t touch displays

J use inside voices

J use caution in doorways and around corners

J be quiet so other classes are not disturbed

J be a role model for others

J pick up any litter you see

J place garbage & recyclables in appropriate containers

J keep your hands by your side


J wash your hands

J act appropriately

J use inside voice

J leave immediately when finished

J respect other’s privacy

J wait your turn

J flush toilets

J use washroom only during non class time if at all possible

J use facilities appropriately

J use soap & paper towels only as needed

J put paper towel in the garbage

J turn off water when finished

Library and Computer Lab

J appreciate library and computer privileges

J use inside voice

J use sanitizer on your way in & way out

J share materials &


J wait your turn

J return things to their proper place

J close programs and log off as instructed

J use appropriate research sites

J be a good listener

J be attentive to assigned task

J keep workspace tidy

J treat furniture & equipment appropriately

J leave food & drink in the classroom


J wear appropriate clothes & footwear

J participate & try your best

J follow the gym rules

J encourage others

J share equipment

J play safe

J be a good listener

J play fair

J model good sportsmanship

J use equipment appropriately

J drink water only

J help out, pick up & put away equipment







Respect your Environment

Eating in the Classroom

J make healthy food choices

J use good manners

J use inside voice

J pass in recess & lunch orders before classes begin

J eat only your own food

J stay seated and raise your hand for assistance

J clear off desk after eating for our caretakers

J model good manners

J place garbage & recyclables in appropriate containers

J pack your lunch in reusable containers


J play safe

J stay within the playground boundaries

J keep your hands & feet to yourself

J line up orderly to exit & enter the building

J take turns on equipment

J model safe play

J use equipment appropriately & safely

J pick up any litter you see & place in appropriate containers


J stay seated, facing forward, at all times

J keep your belongings on your lap

J use inside voice

J keep food & drinks in your school bag

J keep hands & feet to yourself

J listen to the bus drivers & follow their directions

J keep the aisles clear

J model safe bus behaviour

J take your belongings with you

J take your litter with you


J keep your eyes on the speaker

J participate appropriately

J remain quiet

J sit in an orderly fashion

J keep hands & feet to yourself

J only leave if absolutely necessary

J show appreciation appropriately

J be a good listener

J be considerate of other people’s contributions and opinions

J take any belongings with you when you leave

J pick up any litter you see & place in appropriate containers

Digital Citizenship

J keep personal information (user names, passwords etc.) to yourself

J only post and upload content that is appropriate to share publicly

J be aware that your digital footprint is permanent

J be kind to others online

J only take pictures of someone or share images and content belonging to others when you have their permission

J only access your own files and accounts

J think critically about what you see and read online

J when in school, use technology for learning purposes

J only print material when absolutely necessary

J only open links, websites, emails, etc that are school approved

J keep all settings and desktops as they have been set